UBF Builds Museum in Korea
Where is the $13 million ubf stash going? It is going to South Korea for magnificent “center” buildings and now a museum.
Where is the $13 million ubf stash going? It is going to South Korea for magnificent “center” buildings and now a museum.
One dilemma facing “second gens” in ubf these days is the problem of dual identity. Since these children have now become adults, they are making their own decisions. But they still feel a sense of loyalty to their parents.
132 ubf people made the annual pilgrimage to the gravesite of founder Samuel Lee.
In spite of the cheerleading that goes on within the walls of University Bible Fellowship, the numbers tell a troubling story. Here are some facts that highlight the truth: UBF is in decline.
This week’s message from Toledo UBF left me so empty that I felt as if I was walking down a cold dark street in the middle of the night.