“The culture of UBFism is held together by giving a new purpose to your relationships with other people. That purpose is of course to honor the UBF leaders and pass on the UBF spiritual heritage. Your relationship with your spouse is made into a business-like co-working relationship. Your relationship with your own children is made into a machine-like bond.” (pg. 70)
“Some UBF missionaries are working for their own self-supporting businesses. The claim by UBF leaders is that they are just imitating Paul the Apostle who made tents for a living. They like to call themselves tent-making missionaries. This may be a fine missionaries paradigm for most, but some missionaries get caught up in this business side of their mission. Some call this business mission. The idea is to evangelize students with this self-supporting business they created, such as a tutoring company or a computer company. But sometimes this side business becomes too much and all Christian evangelization efforts become secondary to keeping the business going. In Mexico, for example, four missionaries from Korea UBF setup a clothing factory. They got into trouble in 2015 with the Mexican authorities for many serious allegations ranging from safety violations to abuse (as reported by many news outlets including International Business Times, February 6, 2015)” (pg 142)
]]>This is a good point, Paul. Underneath the Bible layer and all the holy paint, ubf could simply be considered a business. That is certainly what many of them care about–forming a business.
This website and my books have made them start to care. As a result, many ubf chapters are quickly painting their ministry with holy paint.
But no matter how pretty the pot is painted, planting the same seeds will grow the same weeds. Even if you paint the seeds of hypocrisy with brilliant colors, the seeds still grow into the same toxic environment that smothers young adults.
]]>Here they claim “full disclosure”, and yet only show the same old superficial statements. If anyone wants full disclosure, read my books.
ubf is now making membership forms, classes and applications
The students should ask, what am I really signing up for?
This is full disclosure for anyone signing away their life on one of those forms:
Arranged marriages exclusively with group members
Replacement of identity with the Shepherd X identity
Lifelong moral supervision by a personal shepherd
Degradation of family as unspiritual
Koreanization of host cultures
Failure to adequately address various cases of abuse
Hagiographical re-writing of their own history
Traumatic process of leaving the group
Psychological issues found in former members
Theological departures from the tenets of Christianity
Reduction of the Bible canon to 12 books
Toxic leadership styles that foster hypocrisy
“The ubf is built upon the foundation of the old school Korean male ego.”
]]>If anyone has not seen that speech you reference, Paul, here it is, and it is highly relevant to the UBF system, a religious machine that needs to be done away with: