Comments on: Memorial Day 2015 for friends of University Bible Fellowship Wed, 21 Oct 2015 04:34:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: forestsfailyou Sun, 24 May 2015 20:55:42 +0000 From an early age my brother would threaten suicide and it was something we always watched out for. When my brother was 14 he tried to kill himself with aspirin when a girl he liked wanted to date another guy. My brother had given all of his saving thinking he could buy her love. When his first girl friend dumped him he tried to kill himself again and then finally a third time. When I arrived at the hospital he didn’t recognize me and it was the worst day of my life. To look right at my brother and have him look at me with some semblance of recognition but with no idea who I was. He lifted his hand to me and yelled something that only he could understand.

One day a few years later he lost his job, and he was facing many drug related fellonies. Everything seemed hopeless and I told him he just had to have faith. Everything comes to pass. A few weeks later I was moving to St. Louis when my pastor asked me to have a going away dinner. At that dinner he said he really hated to see me leave, but he knew God had plans for me. Then he told me that my brother had contacted him and told him he was planning on committing suicide. I was so stunned, it had been weeks and this guy didn’t have enough sense to come tell me. I could tell as he told me that he had no idea how to handle, half way passing it off as something that wasnt really a big deal. I sat speechless and just said “Well, thank God nothing happened…”

Suicide is a serious thing.

By: Ben Toh Sun, 24 May 2015 15:13:53 +0000 Thanks Brian. Yes, I’ve heard of suicides in UBF, both in the US and in Korea. The families of those of took their own lives certainly need our prayers and tears and compassion. By God’s help the day may come when we may begin to address these suicides and learn from them.
