Comments on: The Myth of Multiplication, Part 3 for friends of University Bible Fellowship Wed, 21 Oct 2015 04:34:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: GerardoR Thu, 28 Jul 2011 19:45:07 +0000 This would make an excellent movie Joe.

By: Ben Toh Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:25:59 +0000 Thanks, Joe. Rodney Stark’s account of how Christians sacrificed themselves during the 2 plagues without any consideration of their own well-being is surely an indisputable testimony to the nations to the glory of Christ and his eternal kingdom.

Though unrelated, it reminded me of the movie Quo Vadis where the Christians who were martyred and eaten by lions in the Roman collosseums simply because they refused to denounce Christ. Their glorious testimony was that when their mangled and half eaten bodies were assembled for burial, their faces would be smiling in peace, which horrified the Romans!

When thinking about Matt 28:19 (make disciples) individualistically, we Christians tend to dichotomize our Christian lives. We regard all activities directly related to “disciple making” (preaching, Bible teaching) as of greater value than all other activities of life, such as our secular professions, loving and spending time with our own families and friends, etc. I think that this unnatural dichotomization makes Christians look weird and sectarian, while Jesus, the ultimate Christan was loved by the worldly and the irreligious (prostitutes), but hated by the moral and the religious (Bible studying Pharisees).

By: Darren Gruett Mon, 25 Jul 2011 16:33:01 +0000 Great article, Joe. Indeed, how we live as Christians is a powerful testimony to those who do not believe. Imagine what a difference we could make in the world today if we lived out our faith in the same way.
