Comments for for friends of University Bible Fellowship Wed, 21 Oct 2015 04:34:18 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by Ben Toh Wed, 21 Oct 2015 04:34:18 +0000 Thanks for your interest in my case. I did testify in some initial hearing. Then his lawyer quit because he sensed that he would lose the case based on all our multiple email exchanges and him being caught with loads of cash (the cash I gave him) in his car. He found another lawyer who eventually also advised him to plead guilty, if I remember correctly. So I never had to testify in depth.

Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by PAULLEE Wed, 21 Oct 2015 03:10:04 +0000 Did you have to testify in court or did they just notify you when he got sentenced?

Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by Ben Toh Mon, 19 Oct 2015 17:52:42 +0000 The proof was in all our email correspondences over several months. Though he deleted them, the FBI was able to find them. Also I forwarded all my email correspondences with him to them. Based on the emails, it was obvious that he was defrauding me.

Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by PAULLEE Mon, 19 Oct 2015 10:59:42 +0000 Did you testify before court? Wasn’t it hard to prove fraud with no paper trail /contracts? Or did you and the Fbi set up like a sting operation? Something similar to this happened to a friend of mine so I am curious if they are similar or not.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sun, 18 Oct 2015 23:37:43 +0000 “Since we are now living in the aftermath of the 2011 reform movement, it has sadly evolved into what may be perceived as racist. – See more at:

I must admit you are right Ben. In reading my words, I do sound racist against Koreans. I apologize for that. It is very difficult to not be racist about Koreans. I will try to do better.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sun, 18 Oct 2015 23:36:37 +0000 Thanks for all the detailed info Chris. I try to not say too much about the reform events in the past, since I was an ostrich with my head in the sand at hose times in 1989 and 2000. I think you are right–the Korean reformers distinguished themselves as honorable and Christian in their behavior.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sun, 18 Oct 2015 23:34:48 +0000 “I would say that I was only aware of one instance where he asked a missionary to have an abortion in the 80s” – See more at:

Yes there is the one famous incident with MY in Chicago, where he drove a woman to the abortion clinic. He met me in a coffee shop in Detroit a couple years ago and shared his regret for participating in that.

There are others however. I had dinner with the “USA UBF ancestors of faith” a couple years ago. The Korean woman missionary saw the letter from SL commanding one missionary candidate couple to have an abortion as a requirement to be missionaries.

There is another case from a missionary couple in Toledo who did actually have the abortion, for the sake of “world mission”.

I suspect there are many more incidents based on the 150+ testimonies shared on the internet. The details are fuzzy on the rest but there appear to be numerous cases.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Chris Sun, 18 Oct 2015 17:31:26 +0000 “I would say that I was only aware of one instance where he asked a missionary to have an abortion in the 80s”

In a discussion with Brian, and when reading the letters of the 1989 reformers, I learned that there were at least 2 or 3 such cases, and I can imagine the dark number is particularly high for things likes this. Nobody would want to talk about it, not even the victims. Anyway, let it be only 1 case, it shows the mindset of Samuel Lee, it shows that image was everything for him, and ethics nothing, and Biblical teachings only a means to an end. Also, in the 2001 reform there was another report about ordered abortions by a Korean UBF leader. I make Samuel Lee responsible for this, too, because he created the cult-like environment and mindset that made it possible, and maybe gave an example.

“But no one in UBF today would ever approve of or support such a practice.”

The point is, people in UBF in the old days didn’t approve either. People like James Kim from Toledo or Jimmy Rhee protested against such practices already in the 1980s, but they were kicked out. The reason is, again, that Samuel Lee was a cult leader. It did not matter what people approved or not.

“I still say that it is quite unfortunate that to this day, no public statement has been made to denounce that this was done,”

Exactly. It’s not unfortunate but inexcusable. A ministry that is based on preaching people to repent, but does not repent or even admit its own sins has no legitimation and reason to exist at all. And it cannot be considered a Christian ministry, since the essence of Christianity is repentance.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Chris Sun, 18 Oct 2015 17:13:46 +0000 Brian, since you mention that website, it was a bit more complicated. In fact, the reformers (yes, mostly Koreans, but also several non-Koreans in Germany and other countries) had their own reform websites around 2000 and 2001, two in Korean language, one for the US and one for Germany. So these were at least 4 reform websites with discussion forum which had nothing to do with my website. The reason why they all closed was that UBF expelled the reformers who then continued under the name of CMI. The UBF reformers did not see a reason to operate these “reform UBF” websites any longer and considered the matter “settled” with their final expulsion.

The reason why I kept my website online was that it contained a lot of material (testimonies, articles) that were helpful to understand the deep problematic issues of UBF, both of its teachings (the “UBFism”) and of its leader/founder Samuel Lee, and other leaders who imitated him. Of course both is connected. UBFism has eventually been created and shaped by Samuel Lee.

Personally I would have wanted such information to be available to me while I was in UBF, so I considered it my duty to keep this available for others, even though I did not have enough time to keep it up to date. The website did not only contain the testimonies about Samuel Lee, but also about Peter Chang in Bonn, Germany, which were particularly revaling and condemning.

In fact the driving force behind the lawyer attack against the website was Peter Chang in Bonn. He had created his own personality cult inside UBF since the 1980s (some called it a cult inside a cult), and around 2001 many shocking testimonies about Bonn appeared (beatings, child neglect etc.), and there even was an investigation by the state attorney (not because of reformers as some claim, but because of neighbours and kindergarten teachers who saw the issues). Unfortunately, the investigation did not lead to a conviction of Chang – it’s very difficult to sue cult leaders if they are backed by their followers and people do not have enough courage to speak out. Also, Chang was very clever and had good lawyers. Some victims said the beatings were “voluntarily” and unfortunately this is not punishable then. Others blamed the parents for the child neglect, though clearly it all happened because of the demands of the cult. Anyway, there was no official conviction of Chang. Still, there were all the testimonies about him on my website. For years, Chang did not dare to do something about this, since witnesses were still around, and he didn’t want to create a sensation. He never even contacted me. He tried to keep a low profile for a while. But then around 2004, he reappeared, even became Europe and CIS UBF director, engaged in “business mission” and other activities like a youth orchestra, the Korean community etc. My website was disturbing his activities and ambitions. That’s why he paid lawayers to sue me with a threat of 100,000 Euros. At that time I did not have the time and energy to update the website and make it safe against any legal attacks (copyright and trade mark violation, complicance with rigid German imprint regulations, alleged “defamation of character”, violation of personal rights or privacy of people named in the testimonies etc. – they fired attacks from all sides), deal with Chang’s lawyers, hire my own lawyers, and risk my health because of the trial, so I closed the site. Contrary to Chang, I have a day job and do not have a budget to pay lawyers. So that’s the story behind the closing of that website, it did not have much to do with the reform movement – as I said that was already over in 2002 after the reformers were pushed out and became CMI.

So, in Germany around 2001 we did not only have the case of Samuel Lee, but also the case of Peter Chang, who was backed by the top leadership, and who even got promoted instead of fired for all his abuse. So many things have been going on in 2001, and hardly anybody who is still in UBF now knows about it, because it all was covered up so well and labeled as “personal attacks” so that people would not look what really was behind it. Samuel Lee was the first who called any legitimate criticism the “crazy dog fights.” It is this spirit of brushing off any legitimate criticism as “personal attacks” that is so deeply entreched in UBF and is so harmful to it, that I really get upset when people still argue along these lines. The size of the abuse and wrongoings was so extreme (forced abortions, misapproriation of money, beatings, humiliation, arranged marriages and divorces, mental and physical torture like putting red-pepper in the eyes or pulling toe nails out as reported already in 1976) that it is totally unreasonable to call out critics for being too blunt or too personal. Whatever they said and however they said it, they were in the right, and UBF and its leaders were in the wrong. Period. And again, no, it’s a myth that reformers in 2001 were aggressive, operated only on a personal level. That’s not true. They were the most thoughtful, civilized, sincere and honest people UBF had at that time. And UBF kicked them out. Please don’t look down on them, but on the top leadership who kicked them out, and at the other members who let this happen.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Ben Toh Sun, 18 Oct 2015 15:12:11 +0000 I realize I’m slow to catch on. I never thought of UBF as a personality cult directed primarily at the founder. But as pointed out, it is indeed true that the first three reform movements in 1976, 1989 and 2001 were directed against him.

I was around in 1989 and 2001 and looking back I can see that the result was that those who sought reform were disparaged and basically expelled, while those who remained dug in more strongly in their support of Lee.

Since we are now living in the aftermath of the 2011 reform movement, it has sadly evolved into what may be perceived as racist. Natives who were abused and left have spoken out against UBFism. But some missionaries have accused native shepherds of “hating Koreans.” As has been pointed out, this is NOT a “Korean” racial issue, but “spiritual abuse in the name of shepherding,” which was already brought up three prior times by ALL Korean UBFers in 1976, 1989 and 2001.

I have a response to this statement by Chris: “most of them were directed against the general director Samuel Lee. He was personally responsible for the abuse, including pushing women members to have an abortion.” – See more at: I would say that I was only aware of one instance where he asked a missionary to have an abortion in the 80s. There may have been others which I am not aware of, but the statement sounds as though SL was doing this regularly, which I do not believe is the case.

Yes, once is bad enough. But no one in UBF today would ever approve of or support such a practice. I still say that it is quite unfortunate that to this day, no public statement has been made to denounce that this was done, even if it was only done once.

If I were to hazard a guess as to why no public statement is ever made, it would be something along these lines. “This was done in the past. No one does it or approves of it today. There’s no need to bring it up or draw attention to it since this is no longer an issue today.”

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sun, 18 Oct 2015 12:35:49 +0000 I just re-read my 2012 article about the 4 crisis events in ubf. I very much still agree with what I wrote:

“Some have told me that if I want to see UBF change, I am going about it the wrong way. I agree.

As I’ve said several times, I am not seeking change or reform of UBF. I seek redemption. I believe UBF should not continue to exist as it is, or as it plans to be as described in the 50th Anniversary material.

Why do I have such an attitude? I think this way because there have been four attempts to reform or change or improve UBF. Each time, the result is a stronger adherence by UBF members to the UBF spiritual heritage.

NOTE: There are a small number of UBF chapters who are in the process of re-founding their ministries. The best example is Westloop UBF in Chicago. To such men and women of God, I simply say Amen!”

And also….

“In 2011 and the years prior, reform movements were sparked around the world. The notable and most vocal movements were in: Toledo UBF (USA), Penn State UBF (USA), Westloop/Chicago UBF (USA), India UBF, Kiev UBF, Russia UBF and Hong Kong UBF. The result was a mass exodus of dozens of long-time UBF leaders. One result was a large exodus of longtime UBF native (national) leaders. Another result was a large number of UBF leaders (Korean and native/national) who decided to remain as members of UBF in order to initiate new reforms internally.

The fourth attempt was initiated by native (national) UBF leaders around the world.

Based on this pattern, I predict another reform attempt will be made sometime around 2019 unless there is divine intervention.”

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sun, 18 Oct 2015 12:01:24 +0000 Oh and this time even the Ukrainians are involved!

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sun, 18 Oct 2015 11:59:11 +0000 So what have we “native” ubfers been criticizing in this 4th reform/crisis?

We have criticized UBFism. We have pointed out the real poison that SL kept talking about, which is the UBF ideology called KOPAHN. UBF used to be a personality cult. Now that SL is dead and gone for over 13 years, the undue influence cult nature remains. UBF was perhaps worse in the past because both cultic influences were present.

In my books I criticize the abuse, the apathy and the theology of UBF Korean missionaries. UBFism is and always has been the true source of the cult label applied to UBF.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sun, 18 Oct 2015 11:55:11 +0000 Chris, you are correct. When SL was alive, everything was personal. At that time, UBF was a strong personality cult built around the person of SL.

JD, perhaps you are referring to the offline interactions back in 2000? I remember talking to a Korean missionary at a staff conference (while I was still “in”) about the 2000 events. He only talked for a few seconds before changing the subject. But he was deeply hurt and mentioned all the “personal attacks”. This was not about the online discussions but the in person discussions.

So there is an element of truth here: the first 3 reform movements were indeed more of a personal attack in nature– UBF was a personality cult, SL was personally responsible for most of the abuse and Koreans were very involved as reformers.

In my experience with hundreds of Korean UBFers, they tend to be very personal in the way they approach life. They never care about WHAT but only about WHO. They ignored the facts of a situation and only tried to blame somebody.

It is the nature of Korean justice. In Korea, even the courts historically do not care about the truth of a matter, but almost exclusively about the people of the matter. They care about questions like Who did something? Who was the victim? Who was the accuser? It is all about the politics of who to blame and who to protect.

In the 2000 reform the Korean ubfers eventually found someone to blame– Chris. So they took legal action to remove Chris’ website and to take Chris out of the game. After that lawsuit, the 2000 reform came to a screeching halt.

What about 2011? Almost no Koreans are involved this time. Now it is Russians, Taiwanese, Americans, Canadians and Germans and others. Most of the world outside of the Korean peninsula has justice systems based on FACTS. Especially in America, we care about WHAT was done. It does not matter WHO you are.

Someone at ubf needs to honestly evaluate the refrom/crisis movements. I tried but did not do a really good job: Summary of the 4 crisis events at UBF

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by jdkim Sun, 18 Oct 2015 04:32:22 +0000 Hi Chris, I see that you took some offense thinking that my words are saying that the past reforms weren’t thoughtful or were criticizing in unhealthy ways. I am biased and maybe it was just a few wild presumptions about people’s personal lives and understandably heated remarks, but it tainted my view of the 2001 message boards as a whole, even when I was highly critical of many things in UBF myself and agreed about the really serious issues.
I remember reading certain things that read like a tabloid. I don’t want to bring up specific ones, but they were highly presumptuous. I don’t doubt that there were and are serious abuses in our ministry and I abhor that leaders try to hush it up or deal with it in improper ways. It really does disgust me.
I recently read UBFriend’s prayers for blogging and commenting policy, and it is really wonderful that we can try to keep ourselves and each other in check with these and minimize flames and damaging people’s reputations.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Chris Sun, 18 Oct 2015 02:40:33 +0000 “In 2001, I could tell there was a lot of personal attacks and really personal accusations”

Yes, and most of them were directed against the general director Samuel Lee. He was personally responsible for the abuse, including pushing women members to have an abortion. So personal attacks and accustations against him were totally appropriate.

“This website, however, is mostly thoughtful and healthy criticism”

I do not see any fundamental difference between the accusations made in 2001 and now. Maybe, since Samuel Lee was still alive, who caused all of this and refused to talk about it, the outcry was even louder. Today, we have some distance. So it’s easier to stay calm.

I also don’t see how the reports and claims by the reformers in all 3 reform movements before 2001 where *not* thoughtful or *not* healthy criticism as you seem to imply. No, they were a thousand times more healthy than anything that was going on in UBF all the years. Blaming the reformers for not being thoughtful or criticising in unhealthy ways now is unfair and doesn’t do them justice.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Mark Mederich Sat, 17 Oct 2015 16:19:29 +0000 toxic leadership/followership will not (perhaps can not) address/resolve significant issues until forced to by society (did catholic sex abuse issue begin to get addressed for decades world-wide before social/financial woes tipped the balance enough to ‘begin the beguine’?)

but we are not defeated, His truth is marching on! whether some individuals/groups have yet reached the tipping point, we can be those who do/have & discover/move on in better ways (while holding previous absolutely/undeniably/inescapably responsible as well, whether individuo/groupo-familio/religio/educatio/politico/etcetero, out of love/rightness/redemptive restorative necessity for all:)

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Mark Mederich Sat, 17 Oct 2015 14:57:26 +0000 Difficulty leaving is a key aspect of abusive churches, experts say. Lois Gibson, an abusive church survivor who now runs support groups through her website Spiritual Abuse, says the mentality is, “You will be doomed if you leave. They’re not like a healthy church where if somebody decided to leave for whatever reason, they wouldn’t feel like they were leaving the ‘truth’ or leaving God or something bad was going to happen to them.”

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Mark Mederich Sat, 17 Oct 2015 14:51:37 +0000 Such groups often take scripture out of context, the institute says, separate members from the outside world and practice “spiritual elitism.”(The New England Institute of Religious Research)

Enroth wrote. “The perversion of power that we see in abusive churches disrupts and divides families, fosters an unhealthy dependence of members on the leadership, and creates, ultimately, spiritual confusion in the lives of victims.” (Newsweek/Max Kutner)

Comment on ubfriends is changing by Ben Toh Sat, 17 Oct 2015 14:18:04 +0000 “Have our articles impacted you in a positive or negative way?”

I think the varied answers primarily depend on who you ask.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sat, 17 Oct 2015 08:50:37 +0000 jdkim, it has come to my attention a SECOND time that there are cases of sexual and physical abuse.

1) I reported the first case to the NYPD in New York.

2) I just reported the second case to Child Services in Canada.

Part of acknowledging the truth is to also accept the responsibility and consequences of our actions. Both cases above were reported to the UBF Ethics and Accountability committee. The result? The committee failed to report these cases to the police, as required by both American and Canadian laws.

Furthermore, instead of reporting the abuse case in Ottawa Canada, the UBF leaders felt it “wise” to invite the person to give a special lecture at the upcoming CBF/youth conference!

In the NY case, the person doing the abusing was made to be a leader in the CBF ministry, and then later reportedly left UBF entirely.

How outrageous is that?!?

Both cases are confirmed. These are no longer allegations, but fact. And the “ethics” of UBFism leads people to not only mishandle the reports of abuse, but also to promote the abuser.

These things cause normal healthy people to be infuriated. So while your sentiment in your latest comments is good, I would ask when will UBF leaders face the consequences of their actions?

When will they deal with the following 12 cultic elements of the group?

-Arranged marriages exclusively with group members
-Replacement of identity with the Shepherd X identity
-Lifelong moral supervision by a personal shepherd
-Degradation of family as unspiritual
-Koreanization of host cultures
-Failure to adequately address various cases of abuse
-Hagiographical re-writing of their own history
-Traumatic process of leaving the group
-Psychological issues found in former members
-Theological departures from the tenets of Christianity
-Reduction of the Bible canon to 12 books
-Toxic leadership styles that foster hypocrisy

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by BrianK Sat, 17 Oct 2015 08:40:58 +0000 “There are AT LEAST two healthy ways to respond… defend against false accusations for the sake of the Gospel or acknowledge the truth to the criticism – See more at:

Thank you for seeing this, jdkim. For the moment, I can work with these two options (though I think there are other options too). Back in 2003 I became disillusioned with my UBF lifestyle. So we pioneered.

At that time, I took the first route you mention–defend UBFism. Within a few years I discovered all of my defenses fell apart. Not a single defense of UBFism stood the test of scrutiny.

Then I became lost. What do you do when you realize your entire worldview is a sham? This led me to godly sorrow, then to repentance and then to urgent actions to make things right (2 Corinthians 7 describes this process). I realized that I was not innocent. I had done a horrible thing to James and Rebekah Kim’s family. We mistreated them badly. So I publicly recanted UBFism and my own sins.

As you say, we must acknowledge the truth of the criticism. That also means we must face the consequences.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by jdkim Sat, 17 Oct 2015 03:27:23 +0000 I agree, her research has been very eye-opening to me and has shed light on the power of the Gospel truths even though she doesn’t talk about the Gospel per se.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by jdkim Sat, 17 Oct 2015 03:22:00 +0000 There are AT LEAST two healthy ways to respond… defend against false accusations for the sake of the Gospel or acknowledge the truth to the criticism and work to make things right for the sake of the Gospel.
In 2001, I could tell there was a lot of personal attacks and really personal accusations that maybe some were partly true, but also partly false which could really hurt people’s reputation. This made me want to defend UBF even when I didn’t really believe in God at the time.
This website, however, is mostly thoughtful and healthy criticism. There are still times when UBF leaders can defend, but mostly, I have come to acknowledge a lot of unhealthy practices.
It’s been talked about many times before here, but I think that there are many in UBF who have sincere hearts to want to serve and it is hard to acknowledge that even sincere motives can lead to unhealthy practices when left unchecked. UBFriends is doing a good service for the most part.

Comment on What is Good Communication? by Ben Toh Fri, 16 Oct 2015 17:24:00 +0000 Wow, thanks for the reminder, Brian. I don’t even remember that mine is the 2nd comment on this site, or that I used the word “cute” more than five years ago already! But yes, I’ll have to say that you “BE FRIENDS” is cute. It definitely sounds much better than “just obey.” :))

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by cmdiaz Fri, 16 Oct 2015 15:49:55 +0000 The difference between a healthy church response and a UBF cult response.

Pope Francis to the victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests: “I hold the stories and sufferings and sorrow of these children deep in my heart. I remain overwhelmed with shame that men entrusted with the tender care of children violated these little ones and caused grievous harm. I am profoundly sorry. God weeps.”

Multiple UBF leaders and there response told me and the victims: “You will say it never happened and we will never speak of this matter again. Besides it was your own fault for putting yourself in that situation…”
“Don’t bring the church down because of your sins. If you were writting testimonies maybe this wouldn’t have happened to you. You should carry this experience as part of your cross.”
“Look, we’ve forgotten about it so why can’t you just get over it?”

Most of these responses were from the parents of children who were molested… these parents are current leaders in the UBF cult.

Comment on What is Good Communication? by BrianK Fri, 16 Oct 2015 15:44:16 +0000 “Finally, communication cannot be forced, that’s why I’m especially delighted that we have this forum where our willing co-workers may come and freely share. I hope to come often. Thanks Dr. Joe and all who are contributing to this! – See more at:

Well amen to that :)

Comment on What is Good Communication? by BrianK Fri, 16 Oct 2015 15:39:51 +0000 Awesome comment, Ben from 2010!

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Joe Schafer Fri, 16 Oct 2015 13:01:09 +0000 Thanks for your kind words. I know that some evangelical Christians distrust Brene Brown because she doesn’t speak in Christian-ese. But her insights have been a great help to many people, and she communicates many deep truths of the gospel.

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by Ben Toh Thu, 15 Oct 2015 20:17:13 +0000 Thanks JD for stating clearly what many wish and hope would happen consistently: “I hope that UBF can take these accusations seriously and also trust that people who see these things can make up their own mind and not just see it as bashing UBF.” – See more at:

UBF may do certain things quite well. But one thing she has lacked is to not receive critique well, regardless of whether it is done publicly or even privately. That is why any critique of UBF is regarded as “bashing.”

As Brian and Chris have stated repeatedly, this is not a recent development. Those who have critiqued UBF have basically been denigrated and expelled from UBF in at least four mass exoduses, which happened in:

* 1976
* 1989
* 2001
* 2011

Except for 2011, the first three critiques of UBF resulting in their mass departure were from Korean shepherds and/or missionaries.

Only in 2011 did native indigenous UBF leaders in numerous countries begin to address and raise the exact same issues as in the past that were addressed, raised and critiqued by Korean UBF nationals ever since 1976.

The difference might be that in those days they were not accused of “UBF bashing” ( a recently used phrase since 2011). Instead, they were labelled or referred to as “rebels” or “cockroaches.” I can’t decide which is more interesting! (I’m refraining from using the word “cute.”)

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Ben Toh Thu, 15 Oct 2015 20:08:02 +0000 Thanks, JD. This is worth restating again and again!: ” We need a place where we are affirmed for who we are, not for what we do or are expected to do…” – See more at:

Comment on Steven Hassan Interview by jdkim Thu, 15 Oct 2015 16:48:21 +0000 Just as personal comment from someone in UBF. I want to say that a lot of what you guys write about has changed me as someone in UBF who has suffered a lot of wrong thinking about how to live as a Christian. A lot of things in UBF I believe are not intentionally used to control people, but they are subtle and appeal to our desire to want to fit in and gain approval.
I think it is very hard for people in UBF to stomach a lot what is posted (accusations) because it is natural to take things very personally and say, “That is not what I do!” “we are not a cult!” “You have no idea” (even though many of you have been in UBF for decades) etc… But beyond those reactions, what you guys post and discuss are really significant things to think about it and it has helped me a lot.
I have personally stepped back from 1:1 Bible study because I prefer group studies and more topical studies. This also means I am not the sole mentor to tell someone what I think is the best way to take in one’s life. I also realigned my focus to think beyond about how students can serve campus ministry and accept that (duh!) people have all kinds of gifts and callings to serve. They are not restricted to do UBF campus ministry. I believe most students in UBF realize this and do move on themselves.
I hope that UBF can take these accusations seriously and also trust that people who see these things can make up their own mind and not just see it as bashing UBF.
I personally hoped leaders could respond, but then I realized, I am a leader and should speak up myself. I admit that I am not always comfortable doing so, but I hope I can contribute more.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by jdkim Thu, 15 Oct 2015 16:15:31 +0000 Joe, thanks for this post. I really liked this article. I’ve been reading “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown. It made me think also about community, especially having a sense of belonging. She talks about the difference between belonging and “fitting in”. We need a place where we are affirmed for who we are, not for what we do or are expected to do in the church community. Just fitting in is actually a hindrance to belonging and is unhealthy.

Comment on I’m Praying For You by BrianK Wed, 14 Oct 2015 17:11:54 +0000 Precisely one of my points, MJ! The problem in general is not “I’m praying for you”. The problem is the abuse of prayer at groups like UBF.

Prayer is well and good, and for more, to say “I’ll pray for you” may not be an insult. I would honestly like to understand what meaning people have for this phrase?

The subtext here is that “I’m praying for you” is a trauma trigger I and many former members have to deal with.

How was the undue religious influence entering into my life? Well primarily through prayer sessions (Darn, I need to add a chapter to my book!).

Comment on I’m Praying For You by MJ Peace Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:27:07 +0000 I completely agree. The context is very important. The issue is not the four words, “I’m praying for you,” whether said by a ubf er or the Pope. The semantic meaning is harmless enough, but the pragmatic meaning is what is harmful. Those same words can be spoken out of genuine love and sincerity of heart or maliciously and condescendingly. “I’m praying for you,” can also be an excuse to not acknowledge the issue a person has, but a way of backhandedly saying “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

I also agree that “prayer” can be wrong if it becomes a tool to attempt to control God or give him advice. It is also wrong when it is used to control people. Prayer can even be used self-righteously as a way to show off. But ultimately prayer is “not a means to an end, but an end in of itself.” Prayer is a conversation with God, communion with God.

I had a friend who said, “Don’t tell me you’re praying for me. If you are, I should be able to see God working without you having to tell me you’re praying.” and I agree with Him. We don’t have to tell people we are praying for them. Let’s just pray and those we pray for will find out on their own. Or if they never know that’s fine too. It’s God who works, not us.

Comment on I’m Praying For You by BrianK Tue, 13 Oct 2015 18:15:04 +0000 I think the Pope would just bless you on the spot. To say “I will pray for you” seems to be a Protestant thing, but maybe that is just my experience. It seems to be a fuzzy feeling type thing said in passing without much real meaning.

What does it mean to say “I will pray for you?” And if you actually do pray for someone, what are you praying for?

The only meaning I know is in UBFism… to say such a thing means “I want you to stay in UBF” and “You have something to change because of your sin”.

Comment on I’m Praying For You by Ben Toh Tue, 13 Oct 2015 14:25:21 +0000 Here are some spontaneous thoughts: If Pope Francis met me and said, “Ben, I’m praying for you,” it might be the highlight of my life. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget that for the rest of my life. So, perhaps the prayer per se of “I’m praying for you” is not the primary issue, as you alluded to in your article.

Yes, it is absolutely true that it is no human’s job to change others, or even to think that they are the ones to change others. This is pride to the utmost to think of oneself in such a way, as though we are the center of God’s will over the lives of others which is as though we are center of the universe:

Then the downside is “worm theology,” for if things do not work out, one thinks or says, “Oh, I’m no good. I didn’t do enough. I’m so bad. I’m so lazy. I didn’t work hard. I didn’t pray enough. I didn’t go fishing enough. My children fell into sin because of me. I watched too many movies.” This list is endless. It sounds humble, but it may be the epitome of pride and self-centeredness.

Comment on Unapologetic by Ben Toh Mon, 12 Oct 2015 22:46:06 +0000 My thought is that if one truly has heart, they would master their subject (for the sake of giving his/her students the best content). But one could master the subject without heart.

Comment on Unapologetic by MJ Peace Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:23:23 +0000 I just listened to a podcast about a guy, John Corcoran, who taught for 17 years, but didn’t know how to read or write. That’s an example of a teacher who had heart, but not expertise.

But I think that claim is subject specific. At the college level there needs to be a threshold of expertise, but what determines that level, I don’t know. That book sounds good. Teaching takes a lot of courage!

Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by Ben Toh Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:04:52 +0000 He was invited to Bible study by someone in the church, which is where I met him. I knew nothing about his craigslist.

As those who know me and love me say often, “How can someone who is smart enough to be a doctor be so stupid!”

Comment on Unapologetic by Ben Toh Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:59:40 +0000 Probably all teachers (including Bible teachers) should read Parker Palmer, author, educator and activist. Courage To Teach is the book I read. This is likely an oversimplification but the gist of his teaching is that the heart of the teacher (and the genuine love for his/her student) is crucial and the most important factor in teaching, far more so that his or her expertise in the subject being taught.

Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by PAULLEE Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:32:23 +0000 This guy was in UBF or did you find him through the craigslist thing they were talking about?

Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by Ben Toh Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:14:16 +0000 Thanks for asking, Paul. Yes, my wife and I did think about the fact that he’s already out of jail. I actually considered looking him up to tell him that I forgive him.

Here’s what’s online about him from 2005:

Comment on My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000! by PAULLEE Mon, 12 Oct 2015 18:47:28 +0000 Hey Ben, can you give us a link online to the info surrounding this case and maybe his name. If he served 8 years now, that means he is now currently out of jail and I think it’s important we all look out for each other and educate ourselves on people like this.

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by Ben Toh Mon, 12 Oct 2015 10:56:57 +0000 On page 273 to 274 are some questions to ask yourself to decide whether or not you’re in a cult:

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by BrianK Sat, 10 Oct 2015 22:23:28 +0000 As long as the SAME people keep doing the SAME things swearing on oath to protect the SAME ideology with the SAME blind ambition, nothing will change.

This week’s self-glory celebrations confirm that the leadership (who are the SAME leaders for 50+ years) will not listen or address or process ANY of what we’ve discussed in just under 20,000 comments here on this blog.

Time to wake up and smell the cult coffee people.

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by Ben Toh Sat, 10 Oct 2015 17:10:53 +0000 This is scary! “I see many similarities between UBF and other cults, especially sex trafficking victims.” – See more at:

I can immediately “hear” UBFers dismissing this outrageous similarity. The most obvious objection is “the pimps are trafficking sex, but we shepherds are discipling students and teaching them the Bible.”

The “problem” I see is that many in the church are unable to “see” or acknowledge that they are using guilt tripping and fear tactics to “shepherd” their Bible students.

Just today I heard that a missionary had threatened his native student leader saying, “If you don’t attend the Friday fellowship meeting, you are not a Christian!”

The missionary completely ignored and disregarded the fact that the student leader was suffering from grief and sorrow from the recent death of a dear loved one.

It’s almost surreal and unbelievable hearing such accounts happening in 2015 in the U.S. after UBF missionaries have been here for three decades!

The sadder and more painful reality is that when such accounts are shared, they might be dismissed, disregarded, hushed up, excused, minimized or ignored.

In sad fact, when such stories are shared, the one who shared the story is often treated like the offensive culprit, because “how dare you complain about missionaries who have sacrified sooo much for you and for selfish American students!”

I’m sorry for sharing this painful account. But when can and will such stories be seriously addressed and discussed so that it does not ever happen again?

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by BrianK Sat, 10 Oct 2015 17:04:08 +0000 And ubfers will be really interested in Steven’s descriptions of the Moon organizations (yes there are hundreds)– especially the parts about the 1976 “Koreagate” and the ties between North Korea and Moon, and other countries.

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by BrianK Sat, 10 Oct 2015 17:00:14 +0000 Steven points out that most people think of “saffron-robed men on street corners, dancing and chanting with cymbals and drums” People associate cults with “young people running from car to car, selling flowers in the pouring rain” or “glassy-eyed men and women confronting people behind folding tables near busy intersections, asking for money to quarantine AIDS victims and build particle-beam weapons.”

Steven’s book points out that such people represent only a small fraction of cult phenomena. He asks us to imagine a different set of images about cults.

He writes that we should see:

“Business executives in three-piece suits sitting in hotel ballrooms for company-sponsored ‘awareness’ training, not permitted to stand up or leave, even to go to the bathroom. Housewives attending ‘psych-up rallies’ so they can recruit friends and neighbors into a multi-level marketing organization. Hundreds of students gathering at an accredited university, being told they can levitate and fly through the air if only they meditate hard enough. High-school students practicing satanic rituals involving blood and urine, being directed by an older leader who claims he will help them develop their personal power. ‘Troubled’ teens being sent off to boot camps by their deceived parents, unregulated by the government, some run by religious groups who seek to convert them.” loc 1491

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by BrianK Sat, 10 Oct 2015 16:57:13 +0000 MJ, those are just the kinds of observations Steven makes. Here is a short quote from “Combating Cult Mind Control” that might answer your questions:

“While most people usually think of cults as religious—the first definition of cult in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary is “religious practice: worship”—they are often completely secular. Webster’s also defines cult as “a usually small or narrow circle of persons united by devotion or allegiance to some artistic or intellectual program, tendency, or figure (as one of limited popular appeal).” That second definition comes closer to the meaning of a modern cult, but still falls a bit short. Modern cults have virtually unlimited popular appeal. For the sake of brevity, from here on I will refer to any group in which mind control is used in destructive ways as simply a cult.” loc. 1543

Steven mentions business cults, sex cults, political cults, marketing cults and of course religious cults. The similarities are uncanny. Steven is gifted with an ability to discern the basic principles applying broadly to all kinds of undue influence.

BTW, I’ll be speaking with Steven soon :)

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by MJ Peace Sat, 10 Oct 2015 16:17:17 +0000 “Ending the Game – program for educating sex trafficking victims.”

I see many similarities between UBF and other cults, especially sex trafficking victims. I volunteer at Rose of Sharon in Chicago for sex trafficking victims and many of the women are under cult mind control. Many don’t even know that they are trafficked and think that their pimps love them. It’s necessary to be aware of the fear tactics that people use. It’s not just in church, it’s in abusive relationships, it’s in schools, it’s anywhere where fear is used to coerce and manipulate. I don’t know how Hassan defines cult, but my definition would be very broad. I would define it as anywhere fear is used as leverage, whether from a Pastor, parent, friend, teacher, family member, etc. But I haven’t read Hassan’s book so I don’t know his definition of cult. Maybe I have to coin a new word for it.

Comment on Can being “right” be wrong? by MJ Peace Sat, 10 Oct 2015 16:08:39 +0000 BK, you have guts. I don’t think I could publish a book about all that happened to me, for fear of criticism. But as you say,

“We are not growing if our ideas of right and wrong are not being challenged. Some of my thoughts are good only because I have been challenged and criticized so much. I now seek out such critical feedback.”

Criticism is an inevitable part of life. But that should not stop us from sharing our stories. I admire that you’re able to share the story of how you have grown and been challenged. Your story is astounding because you used to be such a staunch promoter of UBF. I haven’t read “Identity Snatchers,” but from that excerpt I see that you are ok with being vulnerable and admitting how you were wrong. That is a rare characteristic.

Thanks for sharing your story despite the criticism and the years of cultish mind control. Keep writing!

Comment on Can being “right” be wrong? by MJ Peace Sat, 10 Oct 2015 16:01:32 +0000 “If this is how I think of truth, and if I then state with great conviction that I believe something is true, then in effect I am claiming to see that objective reality as it truly is (i.e. as God sees it), and anyone who believes differently is blind to the plain fact.”

I agree with you completely. There is a limit to the law. There is a limit to science and there is a limit to math (supposedly there is some point where parallel lines touch). In Koch’s book he talks about Godel’s principle (pg. 91) where certain decisions must be made outside the construct of laws. He says, “Kurt Gödel realized in 1931 that no system of rules could answer every question it raised—some 1900 years after Paul talked about this and Jesus declared our freedom.”

A correspondence to objective reality is a limited view of the truth because “objective reality” is limited. I’m not saying that objective reality doesn’t exist. It does exist but on the side of God and not our side. On our side, what we think is “objective” is very much a product of our culture, time period, socio-economic status, education, etc.

The other day I was thinking how huge God must be for every culture, language, and person to understand him and come to him. What’s taboo in one culture is perfectly fine in another. And all these different cultural expressions do not phase God. For example, in Jewish culture, people did not even pronounce the word “Lord.” They had so much reverence for His name. Nowadays in Protestant Evangelical circles we say “Lord all the time.” The Lord told me this or that….

But thankfully, God, sees beneath the actions; he sees the heart. And He also sees when actions that are “culturally acceptable” are wrong even when we’re sitting in Church. Hence sometimes are “rights” are wrong and our “wrongs” are right. I’ve seen a stronger hunger and thirst for God outside the church than inside it (that doesn’t mean that there is no hunger or thirst for Him in the church, but to say that the church building is not the only sanctified place).

Comment on Can being “right” be wrong? by BrianK Fri, 09 Oct 2015 09:34:38 +0000 Very good observations, MJ. Indeed, being “right” is not always “right”.

“There is a part of me that wishes that life was more black and white. In a sense, I wish that I could just have a list of the propositions of truth and whenever I have a tough questions I’ll break it out and have the answer. I want spoon fed answers. But life is not black and white. Often, I wonder, “Why did God give us so much freedom of interpretation?” – See more at:

Yes, we long for a binary world, for some reason. But as you rightly point out, the world is not binary. We have discovered this in many areas, and most recently, humanity is discovering that the male/female binary thinking is also not reflective of our reality.

This is why I spent so much time letting my ideas be challenged online as I wrote my books. Such challenges to our own notion of “rightness” is most helpful and healthy. We are not growing if our ideas of right and wrong are not being challenged. Some of my thoughts are good only because I have been challenged and criticized so much. I now seek out such critical feedback.

“In 2004, when some former members petitioned the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) in the USA to revoke UBF’s membership, I called the NAE and begged them to keep the membership. I failed however. The NAE revoked our membership in 2004 mainly due to the silence of the senior leaders and because no one they talked to, including myself, had any real defense against the allegations of abuse. This was another eye-opening reality check.” pg.103 Identity Snatchers

“All the while, however, I became more and more disillusioned with UBFism, even my own trimmed-down version of UBFism was fraught with contradictions. I could see the growing disconnect between the seemingly glorious kingdom of priests I imagined and the depressing reality around me. UBFism was not living up to its promises of blessing and world-class leadership training, even with my own modifications to make it more appealing.” pg.104 Identity Snatchers

*Shameless plug*

TODAY is the LAST DAY to get your FREE copy of my new book!

Identity Snatchers | FREE Kindle Edition 10-9-2015!

Comment on Can being “right” be wrong? by Joe Schafer Thu, 08 Oct 2015 23:34:57 +0000 MJ, thanks for this article. You raise many important questions, not the least of which is: “What is truth?”

St. Augustine’s quote about truth (which I hadn’t heard before) is interesting. I have a sneaking suspicion that to modern ears, it sounds different, and implies different things, than it did to Augustine.

I had always understood “truth” as a modernist sense, that a statement is true if it corresponds to some objectively defined external reality. This sounds right and good. But it has a big problem. If this is how I think of truth, and if I then state with great conviction that I believe something is true, then in effect I am claiming to see that objective reality as it truly is (i.e. as God sees it), and anyone who believes differently is blind to the plain fact. If that is how one defines truth, then it is very hard to passionately believe in something without an air of superiority.

If you give up that notion of truth (correspondence to objective reality), then many people will say, “You don’t believe in absolute truth. You think that everything is relative.” They say that because they cannot imagine any other definition of truth. They have no alternative understanding.

But there is another way to think of truth, which seems to resonate with postmoderns. And from what I have heard (I’m no expert on the matter) it is also closer to what the authors of the Bible had in mind when they wrote about truth.

In this alternative view, if you believe that a statement is true, it means that you are trusting the person who made the statement; you are deeming him trustworthy. You are not claiming to see objectively. In fact, you are admitting to yourself that you cannot see very well, and you are instead entrusting yourself to someone else who apparently knows more than you do.

I have found that this relational view of truth is a very accurate description of how human knowledge works in all areas of life, not just in matters of religion.

For example, if I say “Global warming is happening, and it is caused by humans,” I cannot possibly believe that on the basis of evidence. I am not an expert climate scientist, and I cannot possibly gather and weigh the evidence myself to make an independent judgment. I have to rely on the testimony of others who apparently know more than I do. When I say “global warming is true,” what I am really saying is that I trust certain people and not other people on the matter.

And when I say, “I believe in Jesus,” what it means is that I have entered into a relationship of trust with Jesus, and that I am leaning on him to reveal all kinds of things to me that I cannot possibly know. I am not claiming that I see objectively. I am trusting that Jesus sees objectively. If other people for whatever reason do not yet have a basis to trust in Jesus the way I do, I do not have to accuse them of being blind or stupid or illogical willfully rebellious. Rather I can humbly acknowledge that it is very, very hard for one person to trust another, and I can imagine all sorts of perfectly good intellectual and emotional and cultural reasons why their personal faith commitments might be different from mine.

Comment on Can being “right” be wrong? by MJ Peace Thu, 08 Oct 2015 22:07:43 +0000 “The converse may also be true.”

I agree completely. Given my personal background with UBF, I have a tendency to lean towards the love side. (Although, there’s not really a spectrum of love and truth. Love does not exist devoid of truth). A lot of what I say/think is in reaction to growing up in a church that stressed performance/production so vigorously.

As you say, speaking the truth is very delicate and it has been misused and abused in my life. Speaking the truth devoid of a relationship is like a bull in a china shop. But that’s how many many peoples’ experience in the church is. This is why I think that being right can also equate being wrong. But as you say someone who focuses on mercy ministry and social justice, yet uses that as a point of contention and reason for superiority is doing it wrong. Basically anyone can stray any where. This is why I’m starting to think that the “unforgiveable sin” is a state of being and not a particular action.

Another point worth noting is that Jesus Christ himself was often falsely accused of breaking the law, which is ironic, that God who wrote the law would break the laws that He wrote? Jesus taught that all the law and Prophets depend on love of God and neighbor.

Comment on Can being “right” be wrong? by Ben Toh Thu, 08 Oct 2015 21:08:55 +0000 This came to mind: “speak the truth in love” (Eph 4:15). I’m paraphrasing Tim Keller who said that when we speak the truth without love, we are not speaking the truth.

Also, if we love without speaking the truth we are not being loving.

This is obviously delicate and can easily be misused and abused.

Traditional conservative churches, perhaps like UBF, places a high(er) emphasis on truth–aspects and elements of particular truth that they hold in high regard.

So it seems that churches which emphasize discipleship and evangelism tend to be condescending and critical toward churches that are focused on mercy ministry and social justice, in ways that can be anything but loving.

The converse may also be true.

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by BrianK Thu, 08 Oct 2015 17:54:50 +0000 Another point is that most groups are not mind control cults. Those groups who are cults however, are readily and consistently identifiable.

Steven encouraged me to compare UBF to other mind control cults. Doing that would make my new book, Identity Snatchers, a widely appealing and important contribution to this field. I don’t have the capacity to do that right now, but the similarities between UBF and many cult groups are striking (again, you see these common traits very easily after you look under the unique holy paint each group has)

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by BrianK Thu, 08 Oct 2015 17:46:59 +0000 That is something Steven writes about in his book. I don’t have any stats as to what “often” means. The point is that his books and his BITE model are means to objectively identify if a certain is a mind control cult, and to what extent the group controls its members.

When I read the book, each time, I confirmed all my suspicions and realized UBF is essentially the same as the Moonies once you remove the covers.

Comment on Book Review: Combating Cult Mind Control by Ben Toh Thu, 08 Oct 2015 17:42:42 +0000 Hi Brian, I’m not sure what you mean by your last sentence: “This second reading often tells people they are not in a cult.”

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by National Park Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:38:43 +0000 Although my name is National Park, my vision is to raise 120 member heterosect fellowship with all kinds of strange people from strange nations, all united by doing same mission together as one to one Bible teachers using same methods that came from God through the servant of God Missionary Dr Samuel Lee, Amen!

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:22:36 +0000 Indeed I do, Mr. Park. I should be posting an article on it soon. I’ve just been a bit busy lately. Be forewarned, Mcknight is an advocate for HOT sects, so I hope that you can stomach the forthcoming discussions.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by National Park Thu, 08 Oct 2015 15:48:57 +0000 We must do heterosects not homosects. So it was recommended to read Fellowship of Different by Scott MacNight. Do you know this book?

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Thu, 08 Oct 2015 15:11:07 +0000 Look at you, National Park, with yo sects-y self.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by National Park Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:01:36 +0000 People of Sodom practiced homosect. They attacked Lot because he was different. They said: “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge!” (Gen 19:9) They were all destroyed. God hates homosect. Homosect is sin!

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Wed, 07 Oct 2015 21:09:48 +0000 that certainly is a good alternative. human nature dictates that complete abstinence is simply a pipe dream for most. education and safety are the way to go.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Wed, 07 Oct 2015 20:30:09 +0000 I prefer JohnY’s SHOT sects, because I like to be safe.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Wed, 07 Oct 2015 19:17:29 +0000 Ben, is there such a thing as HOT sects? Kind of seems like a contradiction in terms, but it has a nice ring to it. (boy are we milking this for all it’s got.)

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Wed, 07 Oct 2015 17:01:46 +0000 Same here. But I wasn’t born this way. I fault ubf for being such a sect-sy organization full of brazenly sect-sy people.

Comment on Identity Snatchers by BrianK Wed, 07 Oct 2015 16:29:46 +0000 To help all the homosectuals practicing homosects, I am extending my FREE Kindle promotion until end of day on Friday:

Identity Snatchers – EXTENDED FREE PROMO

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Wed, 07 Oct 2015 16:25:37 +0000 So this means most ubfers are homosectuals.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Wed, 07 Oct 2015 16:23:48 +0000 Yes indeed, I too am out of the homosectual closet. I am a recovering from my homo incurvatus in se.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Joe Schafer Wed, 07 Oct 2015 13:37:47 +0000 Ben, thank you for coming out of the closet. I too am a former homosectual and was healed by the grace of God.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Ben Toh Wed, 07 Oct 2015 13:23:37 +0000 My confession and repentance: I was an affirming homosectual Christian from 1980. Only by God’s mercy and grace alone, I sincerely and humbly and wholeheartedly repent with fear and trembling and with humility and tears of my homosectual practices for a quarter of a century! Now I am free of all homosectual desires and tendencies for almost a decade. This is all glory to God alone.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Joe Schafer Wed, 07 Oct 2015 10:53:51 +0000 Homosex is… I’ll assume you know.

Homosect is an appropriate term for a community that has turned inward upon itself (incurvatus in se). The group shows love toward people who appear be just like them, who have the same values and lifestyle. It may also show love toward nonmembers who are moving toward fully committed membership. Anyone who criticizes or rejects the group’s ideals is treated like a tax collector or sinner.

Some are fond of proclaiming, “Homosex is sin!”

Let me suggest that “Homosect is sin.”

Some people were born into a homosect. Others willfully chose a homosectual lifestyle. If you have been deeply involved in homosect for many years, it will be very hard to change. But you can change if you really want to. Jesus can heal you of homosectuality. But you have to acknowledge your sin, repent, and abstain from homosectual behavior. You will have to stop attending homosect gatherings and stay away from homosectual friends, because they can be a source of temptation.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Tue, 06 Oct 2015 18:53:38 +0000 Steven reviewed the paperback edition, and somehow Amazon is taking a long time to link up the actual review.

You can see it here:

Amazon review of Identity Snatchers by Steven Hassan

The 4 stars show up though!

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Ben Toh Tue, 06 Oct 2015 17:15:23 +0000 “Maybe I’ll share the Forewords (from Ben and Joe) in an article.” – See more at: I was considering doing this, but please do it.

Do you know why Hassan’s review did not appear on Amazon. Did he post it anywhere?

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Tue, 06 Oct 2015 16:50:11 +0000 Your comment here Ben is a good example of why I included an entire chapter called “Finding Redmeption”, entirely focused on you and Westloop. To find redemption is stage 7 in the identity transformation process I outline in my book.

I really hope and pray more of us can face reality:

“This facing the facts of reality is not a loss of faith. It is rather, the first step on the path of redemption. The Biblical example is Abraham himself. The book of Romans in the Bible, chapter 4, tells this story. For example: “He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb.” Romans 4:19 ESV. Considering the reality of our lives is an important part of Christian faith.”
–Identity Snatchers, pg. 118

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Tue, 06 Oct 2015 16:38:57 +0000 So then, setting aside the sects jokes for a moment… Those communities who do not foster open dialogue earn the label of sect, or as I say, cult.

I hope ubfers will process my new book. Maybe I’ll share the Forewords (from Ben and Joe) in an article.

The cult label was earned by ubf leaders practicing UBFism. This is not so bad– the bad thing is not addressing the label.

“Brian left the Univeristy Bible Fellowship after 24 years of deep and passionate membership to wake up and discover that in fact it is a mind control cult. His book is a must read for anyone who is currently involved with UBF and also for former members, friends and any others who are interested in the cult phenomenon. There is a healing path out of a group that one was involved with for decades, but it takes research, good counseling, honesty and time. A good support system too!

As a former member of Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, I welcome more accounts like Brian’s to shed a light on the many cult groups who misuse the Bible and human authority to control people and make them into slaves.”
Steven Hassan, author of Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guidebook​ to Protection, Rescue and Recovery from Destructive Cults

“To current UBF leaders and members, I say this: The cult label is not something that Brian drummed up. It’s something that you earned by decades of boorish behavior. When any organization does the things that you do, the outside world will call it a cult. Instead of complaining, I suggest you deal with it.”
–Joe Schafer, Identity Snatchers – Foreword, pg.11

Identity Snatchers – FREE Kindle for a limited time

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Ben Toh Tue, 06 Oct 2015 16:32:18 +0000 “I remember why I was not open to sharing authority in my house church setting. There were people with whom I could have shared authority… In my mind the ministry was mine. I tried to not share the authority with elders.” – See more at:

Thanks for your honesty, openness and transparency in sharing this! I believe that your sharing is liberating for you and edifying to those who read it.

Only by God’s grace alone, when WL started in 2008 we had about 7 original families. My first word to everyone was “This is NOT my chapter, but YOURS.” Still, with our ubf background and ideas, people inclined toward leaning on me and waiting for my lead, since I am the oldest and have been around the longest. I did so for over a quarter of a century. But I decided it had to end.

But the old culture of a top down paradigm with one person calling the shots takes time to dissipate.

So I resisted garnering the authority to myself and did my best to cut the cord of dependency. Now I have a sense that the ministry and chapter is no longer mine, but that everyone has a voice. In fact, it often seems that when I’m not around for a month or so, the ministry seems to be better!

Also, anyone can critique me (and they do, and sometimes not so nicely!). Anyone can openly disagree with me, and everyone is encouraged to take the initiative regarding any venture.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Kevin Jesmer Tue, 06 Oct 2015 15:42:36 +0000 I remember why I was not open to sharing authority in my house church setting. There were people with whom I could have shared authority and I could have attempted to instill an elder board. First, I never knew the importance of it.I never was taught that this is an important part of church planting. I guess it came with my ignoring the missionary team, aspect of church planting. But the big reason is that I truly felt that since I sacrificed so much to build the house church, with my own money and my own Bible teaching and the church was our family home, then no one had the right to have authority to have significant input. What if they chose something I didn’t like, will I still have to keep providing the home and the vast majority of the money for something that I didn’t agree with? In my mind the ministry was mine. I tried to not share the authority with elders. But in the end, look what happened. I was depressed to tears and the ministry came to not. But God came to my rescue. Praise Jesus.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Ben Toh Tue, 06 Oct 2015 15:00:35 +0000 What’s the difference between homosex and homosects?

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Joe Schafer Tue, 06 Oct 2015 13:32:58 +0000 I’ve heard the correct term is homosects.

Comment on Identity Snatchers by BrianK Tue, 06 Oct 2015 13:29:58 +0000 Hey everyone, my NEW book is FREE today on Kindle!

Identity Snatchers – FREE Kindle edition

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Tue, 06 Oct 2015 13:28:42 +0000 LOL. Just watch out for those homosexual sects… I hear they have an evil agenda.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Mon, 05 Oct 2015 23:37:49 +0000 See, Brian that’s exactly what I’m talking about. If we can’t talk about sects even in an environment like this, how can we ever hope to successfully educate our kids on this matter? Sooner or later they’ll learn it from someone, be it sects education in school or god forbid, learning about sects in some darkened alley. And Lord knows that secular society already has such a negative attitude towards sects. Why can’t we just talk about this openly and at least be advocates of practicing safe sects?!

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Joe Schafer Mon, 05 Oct 2015 23:22:29 +0000 No sects, no families.

Comment on Missionaries Must Nurture Relationships, Part 3 by BrianK Mon, 05 Oct 2015 22:29:14 +0000 Thanks Kevin. It is just very interesting to me to tie together the things SB has said. Her words to you led to the collapse of your house church. Her words to me (via her New Year letter in 2011) led to the collapse of my house church (She said to be a man of integrity, so I did it!)

Just random observations.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Mon, 05 Oct 2015 22:27:28 +0000 OMG! I’m ROTFL! I thought this is supposed to be a family-friendly site :)

Comment on Missionaries Must Nurture Relationships, Part 3 by David W Mon, 05 Oct 2015 19:39:04 +0000 I’ve been reading the Dune series recently and I think the author had a deep understanding of how religious movements… – See more at:

So are you saying that you’re the Kwisatz Haderach to MB’s Bene Gesserit affiliated Lady Jessica? I kid, I kid.

Comment on Missionaries Must Nurture Relationships, Part 3 by Kevin Jesmer Mon, 05 Oct 2015 19:37:05 +0000 How i interpret the comment, to give up my rules, was this. I was way too controlling and legalistic in trying to keep the single family house church together. The comment put the brakes on my legalistic controlling in ministry matters. We still had house rules, but a whole lot less. And the kids were teenagers already. If I hadn’t gotten through to them by that time, well….let’s just say…God had to get through to them. I actually started trusting God more.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Mon, 05 Oct 2015 19:33:53 +0000 He calls them sects. And he says that sects are often religious in nature, but not always. – See more at:

It’s like the old saying goes, if you want to be truly fruitful, in the religious sense, then have lots of sects…

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Mon, 05 Oct 2015 18:58:17 +0000 “But Brian, have you read Steve Hassan’s book?”

Yes. I quote Hassan in 2 of my books. His BITE model has in fact shaped almost all of my actions thus far.

But I cannot analyze his work or do justice to it yet, as I don’t have the capacity. I am still reconnecting with my own identity and shedding the trap of UBFism/anti-UBFism.

I will be sharing a review of Hassan’s latest book here soon. It is so eerie how much the Moonies and UBFism have in common. Hopefully I can also share my interview at some point.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Mon, 05 Oct 2015 18:53:02 +0000 Yes indeed, Hassan is WAY more of a scholar than me. I will not claim to be an academic :)

My book is experience based, from the insider view of a practitioner. Even Steve mentioned to me that we need more former member stories. We have much analysis from the likes of the late Dr. Singer and from Hassan himself.

What we don’t have are personal stories that confirm cults still are thriving in the year 2015 in the West. Many people don’t even know the Moonies existed and have already forgotten about Jonestown. They think cults don’t exist on American campuses. So we need more witnesses!

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Ben Toh Mon, 05 Oct 2015 18:39:38 +0000 I realized this just a few years ago: “Much of the Bible was written by people who analyzed the shortcomings and problems of their own religious community.” – See more at:

Much of the OT consist of prophets pronouncing judgment on the sins of their own people.

Virtually all of the epistles of the NT addresses some problem IN the church.

But seemingly, today the church seems to be primarily focused on denouncing the countless ills and sins of society at large, as though the church is comprised of holy saints who sin “very little.”

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by David W Mon, 05 Oct 2015 18:01:57 +0000 What will bring about freedom?

More books like mine.

– See more at:

But Brian, have you read Steve Hassan’s book? I’m not sure why you would fail to mention his seeing as how seminal and highly regarded it is. You should really mention his book every single time you speak of yours. Just saying… Lol, just kidding. Couldn’t resist. Looking forward to reading your book. Thanks!

Comment on This is your Church by BrianK Mon, 05 Oct 2015 17:56:19 +0000 Just curious… anyone go sit on SLee’s grave again this year? All new students just recruited into UBF one-to-one (1:1) weekly Bible study for 1 hour need to know this: Your leaders sit on SLee’s grave and take pictures of themselves worshiping UBFism.

Usually they claim God blessed the gravesite worship because it was sunny and nice weather. But when it rains they don’t say God cursed them. Just another contradiction to point out to new freshmen students meeting a UBF shepherd for the first time on campus.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by BrianK Mon, 05 Oct 2015 17:46:32 +0000 “Just give us more time! We are changing. We are not like that anymore. Empty words from UBF leaders. I cannot count how many times we former members have heard such fake promises. What we former members want is not so much to be apologized to as to be listened to. Instead of facing the facts of their reality and listening to what former members have been telling them for decades, the leaders at the group continue to cultivate a toxic environment filled with broken promises and increased effort to recommit to the UBF ministry. In spite of such doubled effort, the organization continues to spiral into chaos, even while putting on a good show.”
Identity Snatchers, pg.117

Ben, I don’t think such humbling will ever occur. And if it does occur, I seriously doubt that such humbling would bring about the freedom and respect ubfers are seeking. Such humbling will only be for the sake of more glory to UBF leaders and to the promoting of UBFism.

What will bring about freedom?

More books like mine. To coincide with the special week that this is, the one week that ubfers love to celebrate UBFism, that holy of holy founder’s day weeks, I am going to be offering my new book for FREE.

Identity Snatchers: Exposing a Korean Campus Bible Cult (Kindle Edition)

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Joe Schafer Mon, 05 Oct 2015 17:42:29 +0000 David makes an excellent point. Much of the Bible was written by people who analyzed the shortcomings and problems of their own religious community. The idea of a community whitewashing its history and refusing to consider or evaluate its mistakes is profoundly unbiblical.

Comment on Four Signs of Healthy Community by Joe Schafer Mon, 05 Oct 2015 17:38:20 +0000 Brian asked: “What identity does Vanier give to such controlling groups? – See more at:

He calls them sects. And he says that sects are often religious in nature, but not always.
