In Jail Charged with Sexual Assault
Yesterday, I visited a former Bible student in jail. Last weekend, he was arrested and charged with aggravated criminal sexual assault and attempted robbery. On Sun night, while on my PC, I heard his name mentioned on the local news. I turned to watch and heard an eyewitness account and the charges against him. I was shocked and stunned. A Google search provided the painful details and allegations. His bail was set at $700,000. I write this to share the emotional turmoil I experienced when I visited him in jail and to pray for him.
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Porn and Christian Leadership
My first encounter with porn. I first saw porn in 1979 after a friend gave me several dozen Playboy magazines when I was a young doctor in Singapore. I could not stop watching them many times every day. Though I was not a Christian, I felt dirty and guilty and worthless. One day, I thought I made a mistake and that I had killed a patient of mine. I thought my career as a doctor was over. I immediately returned all the magazines. The next day I found out that the patient died of a brain hemorrhage. I was not the cause of his death.
Why am I writing about porn? I saw a newsflash this morning that a Wheaton College professor of Christian education was arrested and charged with possessing images and videos containing child pornography.
Sexual Sin and Church Leadership
Should a church leader continue to be a leader after a sexual sin? I thought the answer was an obvious, unequivocal, “No.” But apparently, church leaders have kept their positions of leadership, or have been reinstated after some “brief” period of temporary discipline or absence, soon after the sexual transgression was discovered. Is there biblical justification for a Christian leader to continue to lead after committing a sexual sin?
Overcoming the Male-Dominated Culture of UBFriends
When this website was launched in the summer of 2010, we had a grandiose vision of a cyber-cafe where people of many different backgrounds could meet and connect with one another. A safe haven where we could discuss all sorts of issues pertinent to UBF and to life beyond. A place where new friendships would form and grow.
That has happened. God has blessed us with lots of interesting articles and lively discussion. Even during the recent holiday period, when our pace of publishing slowed down to less than one new article per week, we were still averaging about 50 site visits per day by readers from all over the world.
But one aspect of UBFriends has been gnawing at my conscience: the overwhelming majority of posts and comments have been written by males.
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