Sexual Sin and Church Leadership
Should a church leader continue to be a leader after a sexual sin? I thought the answer was an obvious, unequivocal, “No.” But apparently, church leaders have kept their positions of leadership, or have been reinstated after some “brief” period of temporary discipline or absence, soon after the sexual transgression was discovered. Is there biblical justification for a Christian leader to continue to lead after committing a sexual sin?
The Gospel and Linsanity
Is there any gospel in Linsanity? Yes!
Linsanity happened because a most unlikely person literally came out of nowhere to become the “savior” for a Knicks team that was rapidly going down the gutter. Linsanity gave such an uplifting hope to Knick’s fans and to countless Asian and non-Asian sports fans through out the world (except Floyd Mayweather).
Is this not what the gospel is and does?
I never thought I could be a fan of a New York sports team. Sorry, New Yorkers! Nothing personal. But Linsanity changed me. As we might say, I was “cooked,” and I now have a man crush! May God give Jeremy grace to point to the beauty of Christ.
This is what Yao Ming says of Jeremy Lin: “What I see from Jeremy and what I hear in his interviews is he appreciates everything. He pursues his dream. His attitude is so peaceful, but there is strength to him. It is not a violent strength like fire or something aggressive. It is like the ocean, very peaceful, very quiet when you look at it. But you can never underestimate the power that is in there.” I never realized Yao Ming is so poetic. I am beginning to love my fellow countrymen more!
My "Worst" Sin: Losing $1,000,000!
What is my “worst” sin? All sin is serious (Num 32:23). All sin leads to death (Rom 6:23). So “worst” is relative; it does not in any way lessen the severity and seriousness of “lesser” sins or other sins.
I lost $1,000,000! Over 6 months in 2004, I gave 1.1 million USD in cash to a conman, believing he would invest the money, and give me 20+% interest rates yearly for the rest of my life. It is beyond reason and rationality. Also, I was the only victim! I was stupid beyond belief! Give cash…at a gas station…with no paper trail! Seriously?? That’s my “worst” sin.
Why did I do it? Greed? Pride? Self-sufficiency? Yes. But basically, I wanted to retire ASAP! Continue reading →
SCARY Bible Verse: Your Sin WILL Find You Out
Your sin will find you out. “But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out” (Num 32:23). Isn’t this a scary Bible verse? Who can say, “I didn’t sin”? We all know we sin. The Bible warns us crystal clearly, “you may be SURE that your sin will find you out.” My God! That’s scary, isn’t it?
The consequences of sin remain, even after God forgives our sin. David did not want his adultery with Bathsheba known. He committed the “greater” sin of murder in order to cover up his “lesser” sin of adultery. His sin found him out. God forgave David’s sin (2 Sam 12:13). We Christians will meet him in heaven. But the consequences of David’s sin were devastating. Continue reading →
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